OPSOA/PCODE Membership

OPSOA/PCODE Membership

Active members of the Association shall be persons who are currently employed by and working as supervisory officers for any public district school board under the Education Act, R.S. O. 1990, c. E.2 in accordance with the OPSOA Constitution and By-Laws. Superintendents are members of OPSOA. Each director of a public district school board is a member of the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE), a member of the Public Directors of Education (Public CODE or PCODE), and a member of OPSOA.

The OPSOA Constitution and By-Laws also provides for associate members, honorary life members, and OPSOA alumni members as outlined in By-Law 2: Membership.

Benefits of OPSOA/PCODE Membership Include

Membership Assistance Program (MAP)

For more information on the Membership Assistance Program, click here.

Mentorship Program

The OPSOA/PCODE Mentorship Program is a research based consultative program designed to support newly appointed Supervisory Officers and Directors in their roles.

Photo of a young woman with shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and light brown skin, wearing a black t-shirt. She is seated and the background is out of focus.